Seriously Strong Odour Killer - Floral - Super Concentrated
5 Litres dillutes at 10:1
Seriously Strong Odour Killer is an easy to use concentrated disinfectant that needs diluting in water. Add the disinfectant to water in a trigger spray or bucket. It can also be used neat for effective odour elimination and bug busting down drains, plug holes and toilet bowls.
Mop & Bucket Use: Wipe away visible dirt, plus bacteria and germs that enter your home on people's feet. From utility rooms to bathrooms, can be diluted in water and used with a mop on tiles, lino and most other hard flooring, Do not soak floor as product can be slippy
Dilute 4 capfuls of product in a 1.5 litre bucket of water. Protect your hands and use rubber gloves, and always wash hands after use.
Trigger Spray: Make bacteria removal part of your daily routine and create handy, easy to use trigger sprays. Great for disinfection of surfaces and air freshening as well as odour eliminating clean-ups. Why not use different fragrances we have on offer around the home to create different fragrant environments.
Dilute 1.5 capfuls of product in a standard trigger spray bottle to create a powerful fragrant disinfectantSinks & Plugholes: Use it straight from the bottle to fight bad odours caused by bacteria in your drains and plugholes. Or give your toilet bowl an injection of bacteria removing fragrance and disinfect your toilet brush at the same time.
Use a capful of Seriously Strong Odour Killer in bacteria concentrated areas such as drains and toilet brush holders. Remember, this product is flammable when not diluted so do not expose it to open flames or apply direct heat.